Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How HOT DOGS are Really Made - MUST WATCH!

We all know that hot dogs are not the healthiest food, but many people will consume them regardless. What’s the harm in consuming a few frankfurters here and there at BBQs, sporting events and gatherings right? Everything in moderation right? Unsuspecting consumers have no idea what really constitutes a hot dog. Even workers at hot dog factories say it’s an unpleasant business. Arguably one of the most processed, industrial foods in the world, Americans eat almost 200 million hot dogs in the summer months alone. 
It’s not that we can’t make hot dogs healthier, it’s that the industry doesn’t want to. People who become addicted to the specific color, smell, taste and texture of their favorite brands are very particular and loyal.
The cheapest hot dogs don’t just taste awful, but they can be disastrous to your health. Even one hot dog can create an inflammatory cascade within the body. There is now scientific evidence that hot dogs like all processed meats increase the risk of cancer. But the meat industry shovels a lot of something special to shelter that information from the public.

Hot Dogs Are Linked To Disease

The truth is, eating processed meat, such as hot dogs, sausage or processed deli meats, is associated with a 42% higher risk of heart disease and a 19% higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

Consumption of hot dogs, sausages and luncheon meats, along with other forms of processed meat, was also associated with the greatest risk of pancreatic cancer in a large multi-ethnic study.

Eating too many processed foods with high sodium levels contributed to 2.3 million deaths from heart attacks, strokes and other heart-related diseases throughout the world in 2010, representing 15 percent of all deaths due to these causes, according to research presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2013 Scientific Sessions.

The World Cancer Research Fund recommends people avoid all processed meats.
The fund’s Dr Rachel Thompson said“If everyone ate less than 70g a week” or two hot dogs “it would mean there would be 4,000 fewer cases of bowel cancer”

What’s Inside A Hot Dog?

Traditional hot dogs are made from pork trimmings and a mash of left over after chops, bacon and cut always from ham, chicken or turkey.
The meat is ground into a slimy paste and mixed with water, preservatives, flavoring and colors.
The red or light brown dog varieties usually on sale everywhere contain very little real meat. Instead, they are made up of 64 percent mechanically-recovered chicken and 17 percent is pork.
Mechanically-recovered meat is the slimy paste created when a carcass ” stripped of all traditional cuts” is forced through a metal sieve or blasted with water.
The process is banned for beef, but is permitted for pigs and poultry, and the meat produced is ten times cheaper than normal meat.


Fluoridated Water 
All hot dogs need water to create the right consistency for the mushy paste, which is then squeezed into tubes and cooked. What kind of water you ask? Toxic fluoridated water of course. Almost 70% percent of the U.S. drinking water supply contains fluoride. If you’re not familiar with the dangers of fluoride, please review

High Fructose Corn Syrup 
Or HFCS is added to more than 60% of all hot dogs in the United States. For what reason a hot dog need a sweetener is beyond me. According to two recent U.S. studies, almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup contained mercury.

All sausages from the cheapest, nastiest brands, to the luxury free-range organic ones are bulked out with carbohydrate starch. Hot dogs usually contain GMO potato starch or wheat flour mixed with salt, baked and crumbled. Starches give more volume to a hot dog. They also bind ingredients together, and make the mechanically-recovered meat and pork trimmings feel more pleasant on the tongue.

Hot dogs contain around 2 percent table salt, which means they are classed as high-salt foods. A single 35g hot dog has up to 0.6g of salt. Not high mineral salts which are good for our health but bleached,  colored and chemically manufactured table salt.

Milk Protein
Adding powdered milk proteins from 
pasteurized milk sources to the meat slurry also helps to bind it. Many hot dog manufactures use soy protein, which can also bulk out the hot dog and provide another source of GMO ingredients.

Sodium Nitrite
Processed meat increases the risk of bowel cancer and sodium nitrite is thought to be largely to blame. It is added to hot dogs to stop them going grey, and keeping microbes at bay. Studies on animals have linked sodium nitrites to an increased risk of cancer.
The World Cancer Research Fund carried out a global study on the dangers of processed meats and found that people who regularly consume 50g of processed meat a day “equivalent to one-and-a-half hot dogs” increase their chances of getting bowel cancer by 20 percent. The charity believes nitrites are largely to blame.
In the body, nitrites can react with protein-rich foods such as meat to produce N-nitroso compounds, or NOCs. Some types of NOCs damage the DNA in our cells and cause cancer.
In 2006, scientists analysed more than 60 studies and found that nitrites are also linked to higher risks of stomach cancer.
By law, hot dog packets don’t have to say what flavorings are used in them. Many use artificial smoke flavoring, and spices where 
monosodium glutamate hides and does not have to be labeled.
A few brands use the chemical MSG or E621 to enhance the flavour. MSG gives food a “meaty” feel and is used in soups, sauces and, infamously, Chinese takeaways.
Potassium and Sodium Triphosphates
These are synthetically produced colourless salts that act as a “stabiliser, buffer and emulsion”. They give a hot dog a firmer texture, keep it at the right acidity and allow the oils and fats to mix with the water. They are also used in detergents as a water softener, and is added to flame retardants, paper, rubber and anti-freeze.
Another additive common in food. E452 is an emulsifier and stabiliser, improving the texture of the hot dog and stopping fat going rancid. It also helps prevents specific bacteria because even bacteria are wise enough to stay out of poison. Polyphosphates cause a more rapid progression of specific ailments such as chronic kidney disease. Synthetic polyphosphate additives have also been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and they’re linked to accelerated aging and interfering with the way your body activates vitamin D.
Sodium Ascorbate 
A synthetic form of vitamin C, sodium ascorbate is an antioxidant and acidity regulator that stops meat losing its red colour speeds up the curing process. When is taken in supplement form it can cause lung and skin irritation.

Carmine is another word for the red food dye cochineal, obtained from the aluminium salt of carminic acid, which is produced by some scale insects. For cochineal is made by crushing up the shells of small beetles. The shells are boiled in ammonia or sodium carbonate and the colour filtered off. Carmine is used in the manufacture of artificial flowers, paints, crimson ink, rouge, and other cosmetics, and is routinely added to food products. The colour can trigger allergic reactions and even anaphylactic shock in some people.

If you think that buying the finest most natural hot dogs allows you the bypass the ingredients above, you would be mistaken. The most natural 100% beef or pork hot dogs have been found containing the same exact ingredients even while using the terms “natural” and “wholesome”.

Article Source: Healthy Holistic Living

Friday, May 1, 2015

Clean Your Indoor Air with these 9 Easy Plants that Last!

Pop quiz: which is more polluted, indoor air or outdoor air? 10 times out of 10, indoor air in your house, office or apartment is going to be worse than the air outside. Indoor air pollution has been ranked among the top 5 greatest risks to public health by the EPA, and stagnant indoor air allows pollutants to build up and stick to the things inside of your home.
The things in our homes emit some nasty toxic chemicals like formaldehyde for example. You can also be impacted by pollutants like pollen, bacteria, mold, and various outdoor contaminants that find their way inside.
Fortunately, houseplants can help us solve some of these air quality issues. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, these houseplants are basically impossible to kill. Let’s check them out!

1. Garden Mum

This plant was found by NASA to be a real air-purifying beast. It removes ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from your home’s air. It’s popular and inexpensive, plus they can be planted outside too.

2. Spider Plant

Spider plants are incredibly easy to grow, so if you’re a beginner, this is a great one to start with. It lights bright, indirect light and sends out shoots with flowers on them that will eventually grow into baby spider plants that you can propagate yourself. Before too long, you’ll have more spider plants than you’ll know what to do with.

3. Dracaena

There are over 40 kinds of dracaena plants, which makes it easy to find the right one for you. They remove benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene from the air. They are toxic to cats and dogs though, so if you have pets, you might want to think twice about this one.

4. Ficus

Ficus trees are a favorite of mine as they are able to grow quite large depending on the type of pot you have them in. They typically stand between 2 and 10 feet tall and have some serious air cleaning abilities. You can also keep it outside in the spring and summer. The ficus removes benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde from indoor air.

5. Peace Lily

Not only does the peace lily send up beautiful flowers, but they’re impossible to kill and have great air cleaning abilities. They flower through most of the summer and prefer shady spots with moist but not soggy soil. It removes ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

6. Boston fern.

This plant likes cool locations with high humidity and indirect light. Bathrooms are a perfect spot for these little friends. They remove pollutants like xylene and formaldehyde from indoor air.

7. Snake Plant/Mother-in-law’s Tongue.

I see this one all over the place in offices and restaurants – and for good reason. They’re pretty much impossible to kill. They need water only occasionally and prefer drier conditions. They don’t need much direct sunlight either. They remove benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and xylene from indoor air.

8. Bamboo Palm

Bamboo palms are most effective at filtering formaldehyde. They thrive in full sun and bright light. They grow as high as 12 foot too, making them an incredible presence indoors. They remove benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

9. Aloe Vera

Aloe is a multi-use plant for sure. It has health benefits when consumed in smaller amounts, helps relieve burns, and cleans your indoor air as well. It removes formaldehyde effectively from indoor air.
Source: This article was written by Simple Organic Life.