Monday, March 30, 2015

Natural Neosporin -- A Recipe for Nature's Cure

Neosporin is a well known ointment that the majority of people go to when they get scrapes, cuts and any other skin injuries. Although most of us have used this ointment for years, one quick read over the ingredients list and we might want to question what we are putting on our open wounds and other vulnerable skin surfaces.

Ingredients include Neomycin Sulfate Polymxin B, Bacitracin Zinc, Pramoxine and more all mixed in petroleum jelly. There are many side effects associated with these ingredients such as allergic reactions, muscle twitching, convulsions, hearing loss, fetal harm, rashes, hives, tightness in the chest, and the list goes on.

Neosporin costs about $10 an ounce with all of these unknown ingredients in it. Yet Mother Nature provides us with a bounty of ingredients that are just as healing and beneficial without the side effects. Should there be a breakdown in basic civil services, for whatever reason, you should know how to make an all natural, yet potent, topical antibacterial solution.

In the recipe below, each ingredient contains many healing properties. The base is a combination of oils that are anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-fungal. The herbs have various medicinal properties as well. Beeswax is a skin protectant, keeping irritants off the skin while allowing air circulation into the injured area. Witch Hazel helps to clean and disinfect wounds while speeding up the healing process. These are just some of the incredible benefits of this natural antibiotic ointment.

  • 1/2 c. coconut oil
  • 1/2 c. almond oil, grapeseed oil, or olive oil
  • 1/2 c. healing herbs of your choice (chamomile, calendula, comfrey, lavender, plantain leaves (herb not banana), Echinacea root, dried yarrow flowers, dried rosemary leaf)
  • 4 Tbsp beeswax pastilles
  • 2 tsp witch hazel
  • 15 drops lavender or tea tree essential oils (optional)
  1. Infuse the herbs into the olive oil. There are two ways to do this. You can either combine the herbs and the olive oil in a jar with an airtight lid and leave 3-4 weeks, shaking daily OR heat the herbs and olive oil over low/low heat in a double boiler for 3 hours (low heat!) until the oil is very green.
  2. Strain her herbs out of the oil by pouring through a cheesecloth. Let all the oil drip out and then squeeze the herbs to get the remaining oil out.
  3. Discard the herbs.
  4. Add witch hazel and other essential oils of choice and mix.
  5. Heat the infused oil in a double boiler with the beeswax until melted and mixed.
  6. Pour into small tins, glass jars or lip chap tubes.
* Apply to scrapes, cuts, burns, diaper rash, dry skin, athlete's foot, bites, stings, poison ivy, or other wounds as needed.
** This ointment should be kept in a cool, dark place. Good for up to a year.

Learn more:, ointment recipe, neosporin

Vegetable Hijack Results in SUPERCHARGED Hybrid!

You might think your refrigerators been hijacked by aliens when you see this crazy hybrid on your dinner plate! Its conical, bright green budding spores wrap around and weave together in almost mathematical form looking so strange, yet oh so familiar to its not so ‘far out’ predecessors....can you guess who tops this family tree? Well, with a hybrid name like BROCCOFLOWER I'm sure you won't need three guesses!

The result of combining the familiar and not always favorite broccoli and cauliflower has produced an alienistic breed that looks out of this world with health benefits that far exceed its ancestors too!

Broccoflower belongs to the cruciferous family of vegetables, and like others in this nutrient prominent family this vibrant vegetable contains powerful properties which studies have shown to help lower the risk of cancer and boost the immune system. However, this supercharged hybrid contains even HIGHER amounts of the immune stimulating phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals than other vegetables in its family. In fact, broccoflower has even MORE vitamin C than ORANGES! Its also loaded with vitamin A, folate, fiber, and like all veggies you can eat your heart out because it’s low in calories too.

Not big fan of cauliflower or brocolli? Think you’re going to hate this too? Well guess what, this overachiever is not only amazing to look at, its CRUNCHIER and SWEETER than its parents, making it taste better too! Broccoflower is fun to eat and best enjoyed RAW to get the most nutrients and the best crunch!

Explore this supercharged all-star veggie today with your family and bring IMAGINATION back to your snack time while experiencing health benefits that are out of this world!

Have fun creating snacks that
 inspire your imagination!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Discovering your inner Cha~cha~cha~chia!

We all grew up singing that little advertisement jingle in our head, while probably never admitting we wanted our very own 'Chia Pet' too...but who would've known those little seeds could also be so TASTY and GOOD for YOU?!

Chia seeds have long caught the holistic wave of healthy super snacks you can use in just about any type of recipe and are easy on the digestive system too. What makes these tiny little seed specks so special? Don't be fooled. Chia seeds are a nutrient dense 'superfood' loaded with healthy omega-3 fats, protein, fiber, antioxidants and various vitamins and minerals. They pack a heavy punch of healing benefits too! From skin, digestion, teeth and heart health, to boosting energy and metabolism, building stronger bones and muscle -- even loosing weight. This is a one super food you and your family have got to try!

Haven't discovered your inner Chia yet? How about picking up a bag of those little seeds this weekend and trying out something new! Here's a quick, simple and fun pudding that even your kids will love slurping up over the weekend! And they can help you make it too :)

Hint: Prepare the day before you wish to enjoy. Chia seeds will soak up liquid as time passes, turning into a fun, slippery little snack with BIG health benefits!

Easy Vanilla Chia Chai Pudding

1/4 cup chia seeds
1 1/2 cup almond, coconut milk, or dairy-free milk of choice. (vanilla sweetened is yummy)
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 tsps raw honey (or less depending on sweetness of milk and preference)
Dashes of cinnamon
Dashes of nutmeg 

Place all ingredients in a jar and give it a good shake shake shake! (we don't want clumpy Chia pudding!) Wait patiently overnight to enjoy your healthy treat. Enjoy on its own, or top with walnuts, berries, granola etc to give it more texture and variety!
