Thursday, April 16, 2015

Until NUT time...keep SOAKING!

Go NUTS!! Nuts and seeds are SO good for you--especially if they are RAW and SOAKED.
WHY should we soak them? Just like grains, nuts contain phytic acid, which is part of their defense mechanism to help avoid predators so that they can grow to their full maturity. Soaking helps rid them of phytic acid and also neutralizes enzyme inhibitors, enabling easy digestion and elevating absorption of vitamins and other nutrients in the nuts.

Number of hours nuts should be soaked:
Walnuts: 8 hrs
Almonds: 12 hrs
Pecans: 8 hrs
Pumpkin seeds: 7 hrs
Macadamia: 4 hrs
Garbanzo beans: 12-48 hrs
Pine nuts: 8 hrs
Hazelnuts: 8 hrs
Cashew nuts: 6 hrs
Flax seeds: 6 hrs
Alfalfa seeds: 12 hrs
Broccoli seeds: 8 hrs.

If you are soaking nuts for more than 8 hours it’s advised you re-wash them and add fresh water. The water residue from the soaked nuts should not be re-used (unless to water your plants maybe!) Keep nuts refrigerated.

Until NUT time...happy SOAKING!